Keyhole Garden without the keys!

2 days left for my summer vacation, so decided to do something with the garden. Especially since the weather had cooled down.

Inspired by a recent FB friend’s picture of a keyhole garden I knew that was what had to happen.

Also after planting melon, watermelon, pumpkin, eggplant, red peppers and mini tomatoes this year and not having a very fruitful result, I knew the soil needed to be more enriched.
We got a handful of mini tomatoes, 2 eggplants, 3 peppers and a beautiful watermelon that grew to a massive 6cm diameter before the heat burned off the vine. I’d like to be more successful next year.

Here are a few pics. I just went to the local home center and bought at random, blocks and stuff and just threw it all together haphazardly into the following. With Autumn just approaching, I’ll see if there are any good things I can start on this season. It’s a long wait till Spring comes.

Anyway… it needs tidying up and if time permits I may even dismantle it and re-do it a little more detailed and sturdier.

Will see what happens.

The beginning:








