Breakaway Too Strong

Tuesday Night Training. 12 starters.

After the 3 lap warm-up 2 guys broke away and held us all at bay for the hour. One sporting a new rear disk wheel and an H3 (HED) on the front. Like last week I thought they’d slow down a bit and the followers (us) would catch them. We worked pretty hard but not 100% and there was a bit of wind on the back straight that nobody wanted to carve through. On about the 5th lap we had a chance to catch them as a car came around the traffic light intersection at the same time and we drafted behind it at 50kph for about 800m. It turned right though so we had to go back to the battle by ourselves. Eventually they got so far away we couldn’t see them. The race then was going to be for 3rd place.

On the last km 2 guys went off the front and one followed about 20m behind. I latched onto him and as he started to slow down I catapulted myself up to 3rd place. 2nd started to fade as well and I got another sling shot effect passing him which put me up to 54kph with about 400m to go. It was enough to fly past the guy in 1st and demoralize him enough to also give up. I just had to watch my back and cruise to the line.

Wish I was good enough to have been in the break away though. Not good at that time trialling.
The guys who escaped today maintained a steady speed at above 42kph. That’s hard work.