2008 round up plus January 1.

2007 6500km
2008 7428km
Jan 331km
Feb 367km
Mar 601km
Apr 590km
May 449km
Jun 860km
Jul 823km
Aug 563km
Sep 837km
Oct 930km
Nov 580km
Dec 497km

Weight Jan 2008 = 92kg (April 95kg)
Weight Dec 2008 = 84kg.

To start the year off today, I ran 20kms to my in-laws. I had my Polar heart rate on as well as the Garmin but both of them were switching off and I didn’t get a detailed collection of data for the whole run.
(edit) It looks like the Polar got the whole run after all and I’ve loaded the data below).

The first 5kms were the hardest as I needed to warm up. Was chilly out and I could easily see the snow capped Mt. Fuji from our house as I started. The first 10 minutes were spent adjusting my bum bag, making sure the Garmin and Polar were recording data and generally warming up. Especially the first kms. My right knee buckled once or twice, my hips which have been aching since my bike crash last month were a bit wonky too. After warming up I felt fine. Just kept the slow pace all the way down the river cycling path. When I got to the hospital at around the 12km mark I headed on to the road. As I pulled into the street of my in-laws, my wife and two sons rolled up in the car. I beat them to the front door and had our traditional New Year’s Eve at my wife’s parent’s house.

You can see my suffering heart and the elevation.  Top of the river bank to bottom, then up to Kita Kogane.
Akemashita Omedetou goazaimasus were flying everywhere as we entered the house.

My goal was to get there without straining anything. Especially my calves. My right knee without its ACL easily dislocates so I have to keep my stride short. I can’t run fast at all at the moment. I twaddled along and the 3 runners who went past me on the river were doing over 10kph. ‘m sure they were only going for a short run. Sprinters they were. Slow and steady and all that. ( I told myself). I was only going about 8kph but I managed to get to the end without much trouble. Stopped for two toilet breaks and 2 or 3 red lights. Was a relief to get it done. Furthest I’ve ever run in my life. Reminded me of a 30km walkathon I did when I was 14.  My thighs and inner crutch feel a little strained tonight but the long 130km slow ride tomorrow should be good for getting all the lactate acid build up out. Just had a hot bath.

Still envious of most of my cycling buddies who weigh as much as 20kgs or more less than me and cycle 2 or 3 times more than me. Not fair!

I see the pattern… got to do more… 2009 DO MORE!