Colon Cleanse Stage 2 Day 1

I completed the 3 day pre-cleanse and ate less than was recommended for that because the apple juice was giving me enough energy to not feel hungry. I guess the sugar in the juice also stops you getting those head aches that are usually associated with a cleanse. Was drinking water and apple juice during the day and having dinner only for the first two days. Having no hunger at all I didn’t eat at all on the 3rd day.
Today is the official first day of the actual liquids only part of the cleanse. It will go like this for the next 5 or 6 days.
From 8a.m, every three hours I take the dietary fiber blend that absorbs ‘toxins’ in apple juice and/or water. It consists of psyllium seed husks, bentonite clay, apple pectin and ginger root. The whole powder is fine like chalk dust and the ginger is strong and will make you sneeze like pepper if you inhale any of it.
I can see it gels up in the glass and you have to drink it fast before it gets too thick. Lots of water after helps. It makes you feel full.
At night I’ll take two or three of the digestive stimulator capsules. The bottle says it is to help cleanse, purify and tone the entire digestive system. Lots of things in this.
Cape Aloe Leaf
Aloe Vera Leaf
Cascara Sagrada Bark
Chinese Rhubarb Root
Barberry Root
Dandelion Root
Fringe Tree Root Bark
Amla Fruit
Belleric Myrobalan Fruit
Chebulic Myrobalan Fruit
Meadowsweet Aerial Parts
English Plantain Aerial Parts
Ginger Root
Fennel Seed
Peppermint Leaf
Fenugreek Seed
Licorice Root

Feeling fine. Not hungry at all although the routine is a little boring. Would be much more fun if pizza and beer were a part of it.

As far as trips to the toilet. More is coming out than is going in which is a good sign. All looks quite clean so far. No black rubbery snakes like on the Blessed Herbs Testimonial pages. (yet)

I’m going to go out and buy some more batteries so I can record my weight again! Was 87kg last week which was up from 84kg a month ago.

This cleanse is not a weight loss program just to clean out the intestines. If there is weight loss it will be a bonus. As long as my muscles are not dissolving away.

Was nice enough to ride today but was busy selling a puppy. Tora has gone to live with a wonderful family up in Tochigi. They named him Earth. Tomorrow Lucy will also go to Tochigi. That leaves us with the last little boy Sky! Will we keep him?