Gym (too much rain)

Having my 3rd long weekend in a row. School entrance exams tie up all the teachers with extra work so they cut a lot of days.  I am taking 3 students, a science teacher to a factory tomorrow that my father in-law organized for them to test some bio-diesel fuel they made out of pig lard.

Weight: 83.9kg
Blood pressure: 13/081
Heart rate: 66

Warm-up on the running machine: 3km
Abdominal Crunch: 50kg X 15 X 1
Back Extension: 55kg X 15 X 1
Chest Expansion: 50kg X 15 X 2
Lateral pulldown: 60kg X 15 X 1
Leg Press: 180kg X 15 X 3
Leg Curl: 49kg X 15 X 1
Calf Raise: 68kg X 15 X 2
Arm Curl: 41kg X 15 X 1
Rotary Extension: L&R 2 X 15  (they finally fixed it).
Leg Extension: 45kg X 15 X 3
Inclined Sit-ups 25 X 3
Finish Check
Blood Pressure: 150/81
HR: 96bpm
Had a shower and sauna.