Health Check Day

An embarrassing health check at work today. Weight, blood pressure and waist size all off the planet. Worst figures in all my health checks at this company. (6 years). Will get the detailed results in a few weeks. There are always excuses but you can’t keep using excuses. Basically I have been lazy the last year and not going in any races since July 2009 has not helped. Some weak excuses: 2 winters in a row after my trip to Aus, too much food and drink while in Aus, new weekend job, hayfever, and this damned cold weather have all de-motivated me. Hay fever is still trying to kill me this morning.

Will be photographing every meal I take and putting it on the blog. It’s the only way for me to see what I’m eating. And possibly scare me into not eating. As I had to have an empty stomach yesterday for the health check there was no breakfast.
I rode to work and then had a 2 hour break before my afternoon job and went to Jonathon’s intent on having one of the Avacado and wasabi hamburgers. Unfortunately they don’t have it on the menu anymore and had to settle for the special of the day. 690kcal with 2 carrot/vegetable juices. This would settle on top of the barium I had for the stomach X-rays earlier and create an uncomfortable afternoon searching fro toilets. Protein powder, berries, mixed nuts with skim milk for dinner.