Rain Soaked Roads Training

Very heavy rain today but the skies cleared up and we had 7 starters and 1 late comer. 4 from Semas. 3 from Apex and 1 from BM/Apex for the weekly training. Noda Night Criterium!
I arrived an hour early and did 30km warm up.
The warm up didn’t help much. With the wet slippery corners I decided to go solo from about lap 2. Had already slipped twice on the steel grates and the guys were hammering it a bit too fast for safety.
Within a lap 2 others had come to the same conclusion and dropped off as well. We did about 4 laps together before breaking up again.

Warm up


Today: Warm-up 29.17 + .9km? Main 31.46km =61.53km
Yearly total: 3738.77km
Daily average:?
Daily average goal: 33.71 km