Short Slow Sekiyado Ride

I’m good at procastinating! Knowing that some team mates would be riding past early in the morning I said to myself before bed last night that I’d get up early and go with them. Estimating they’d be coming by around 6:30 a.m I’d need to be up by 6.
After waking up around 6:50 I thought I would still be able to catch up to them and join in.
At 7:30 after checking my emails and getting dressed, I thought I’d be able to catch them on the way back and then ride the opposite way down the river to Disneyland. No. Time for some breakfast.
After feeding the dogs and my Uncle Toby’s, I decided I’d better just ride by myself to Sekiyado as originally planned.
Hmmm, getting a bit hot now, should I go now or wait till the afternoon?
Better check my emails again. The in-laws then called and said they were coming over. They didn’t say what time though…better wait till they get here.
Noon! Better have a peanut butter sandwich. No sign of the in-laws, hot out…time’s a wastin!
Got out and on my bike at 1p.m. Pretty much the hottest time of the day!
Kept a nice leisurely 27 to 30kph with a few bursts of speed here and there. The plan…pass anybody I can see ahead in the distance and look often at my little mirror to make sure nobody passes me from behind.
At Sekiyado there were a few cyclists and one said ‘konnichiwa on arrival and ‘doumo’ as a good bye as he left. I at least smiled and returned his greetings. Should have had more of a chat with him I suppose.
Had a bit of a tailwind on the way home and at the end of my journey I was inspired not to waste too much time but also could see the future me.
Whipped out my phone and took his photo. If you look closely under his saddle he has a sticker that is used for elderly people to put on their cars warning that they are over 70. He had then stuck another label on it with an arrow pointing to his age. 78!
I hope I can do that one day!

Today: 40km
Year: 3760.1km

Today’s animated ride data from Garmin

Will go to Sunday training tomorrow but thick clouds are rolling in…better start procastinating again!