Tokyo Enduro 2008 12 14

Cold. Rain. Mud. Wet.

I joined TCC’s B team for some end of year wheel spinning, mud sliding, rain dodging racing.

We intended to do 30 minute runs but at the last moment, due to the wet and cold decided we only wanted to be out there once and therefore did 1 hour shifts.

I think this was a great idea as when the 3rd hour arrived it was my turn and the rain had just about stopped. I got to do it in closer to dry conditions compared to my 3 team mates.

I wasn’t able to go to the end of year party which is on right now as I type this. I’m sure that I’m missing the best part of the day. Next year, I’ll put away a little extra money just to make sure I don’t miss the important part of proceedings.

To Keren, Lee and Sergey… you all did well. We held off the other teams in the correct order. Goal accomplished.

-MEN’s category
Team A: 8th
Team B: 15th
Team C: 17th
Team D: 55th
Team E: 43rd

-WOMEN’s category
Team G: 2nd

-MiXED’s category
Team Z: 12th

It was a 2 day event and I only attended the Sunday race. SOme guys in my Semas Team rode on the Saturday in nice warm, sunny & dry conditons.

Photos of Saturday Here