Wet Weekend

The clouds were thick this morning but was dry enough to head out to training.  Can’t remember the last time I went as the weather, Saitama TT and TOJ have interrupted the last few weeks.

Was humid with a slight headwind for the sprint home. A small 4 man group was not big enough to shield the wind from me and I was the 2nd person to get dropped from the two speedsters who were pushing into the thick air faster than I could muster. No excuses. I need to train harder, reduce my surface area and get younger.

Only did 44km today as I missed the starting warm up. 

At leas the weather should be nicer this week and I’ll try and ride a lot more. Wed, Thu & Fri are days I can ride a lot as the schools have the mid term tests. I have to sit in on one and mark about 250 exams by the end of the weekend. 

Need to sell a further 4 puppies somehow as well.