Aprico アプリコ

Today I had a day off due to mid term tests at the high school.
Morning cleaned the car.
Noon to the driving range to hit 200+ balls.
Afternoon and night I went to Aprico
An Italian styled cafe for cyclists (and anybody else).

Owned and operated by Mr Mukai a great rider in his own right. The shop only just opened early May is already attracting a lot of cyclists who gather there to chat, drink wine, beer, and eat nice Italian dishes.
Tonight was my first time there and I’d like to go once a week. It’s a bit hard for me to get to by public transport for me but although far it’s an easy straight ride for me straight down the Edo rive towards Disneyland.
The shop is a short walk from Ichinoe train station on the Toei Shinjuku Line in Edogawa-ku.

I rode there against a very strong headwind and had forgotten to fill my water bottle.
To alleviate the dehydration I had about 3 beers and 3 wines. To soak up all the alcohol I munched on egg plant, broccoli, chicken, salmon, bread and liverwurst, and didn’t bother with a full meal as I was too busy talking with all the other cyclists at the bar. Next time, I’ll probably go for lunch when there are less people there for the drink.

The ride home was not bad. I wasn’t drunk, the Edogawa I know like the back of my hand and there are


TEL 03-3654-3549

Caffe 12:00 to 16:00 (ランチは14:00まで)
Bar 18:00 to 23:00 (ラストオーダー22:30)


Today 73.9km
Yearly total: 1963.23km
Daily average:?
Daily average goal: 33.71 km