Ride Ride Golf

Had a short 25km over to Fukuda to check out another secret training course and will probably go this Tuesday morning for a 5:30 a.m hard work out.

This morning’s training run
was pretty much as usual. Still lots of rape seed flowers out and millions of insects buzzing around them, up my nostrils and in my (no sunglasses) eyes. I tried to take a riding while movie taking shot of the flowers but I didn’t quite have the camera angle right. The sprint I thought was going to be easy with the tailish wind but with about 2km to go I dropped out. The 45kph stretch was a bit too hard for this old man. Didn’t have my heart rate monitor on and I probably would have dropped out earlier had I. Battled on strongly by myself to finish a close 2nd last out of the fast group.

After training I fixed up the side of the house to make it more dog friendly as Sora my big Airedale boy got his paw caught on a nail and he has been limping around. More pebbles and stepping stones and no more wooden walk ways. Then my in-laws came to take the kids to the golf driving range. With all my riding around the golf courses near here and the U.S Open on TV I felt like having a hit as well. 150 balls for 2100 yen. It’s been over 5 years since I hit a golf ball but I did OK. About 33% of them went straight and I was swinging pretty hard. Hit the back wall 250 yard sign a few times. Spent a lot of time just chipping the sand wedge. My bad hips could feel the pain. Need about 3 or 4 more trips to the driving range before I attempt a game. Got my son to take a shot of my swing with the camera .