Tuesday Morning Training

The puppies woke me up at 4 a.m and after attending to them there was no excuse for me to miss the Tuesday morning ‘new’ training group. Last week I went straight back to sleep and felt guilty.
I arrived about 5 minutes early (5:15)by lazy car and there was nobody there.
Then they all started coming about a minute apart. 5:30 7 of us started ans as usual with these guys the starting pace is always too fast for me. ( I won’t drive next time, I’ll ride there as a warm up. It’s only 7 or 8mn away.
A 3km lap around a section of a golf course. The left side of the road is virtually safe as the golf course borders the road. Some sections there are houses but they all have mirrors in their driveways and we ride close to the center of the road as well and can see if any cars are coming. It is an up and down course which puts extra pressure on me as I haven’t done much sudden up and down work.

They do 6 laps with a final sprint. This first time for me, I got dropped on the second lap and wiht my second wind spent the next 4 laps trying my best not to fall too far behind.

The mysterious part was finishing. As they are all mostly busy salarymen who have to get to work they go straight home once they finished. When I finished there was only one other guy who got dropped on lap one…everybody else had mysteriously vanished. I did an extra cool down lap and waited bit, then packed my bike in the car and did a reverse lap only to see the other guy again. Everybody had gone home.

Thursday morning will be the next one and if I can keep this up… I will accomplish a lot. Will definitely lose weight, get faster and get more mileage on the weekly clock.

I like it. But, I’m not going to tell you where!